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【信息时间: 2016-04-10 10:23:58   阅读次数: 】【字号




(1) Application Form。

(2) Application for Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship (PDF)。

(3) Certificate of health (PDF) issued within the last 2 months。

(4) A copy of an official document to indicate the applicant's nationality。 (This can be replaced by a photocopy of the applicant's passport。)

(5) Certificates of Bachelor's and Master's Degrees (or their equivalent)。

(6) Official academic records from undergraduate and graduate courses。

(7) Recommendation letter addressed to the president of Kyoto University written by the dean of the applicant's graduate school。

(8) Recommendation letter written by the applicant's supervisor at the graduate level。

(9) Recommendation letter written by the applicant's supervisor at the undergraduate level 。

(10) Recommendation letter written by the head of the applicant's employing organization (if the applicant is currently working。)

(11) Research plan at Kyoto University (A4 size, 3 pages)。

(12) List of scientific publications。

(13) Brief description of academic achievements (A4 size, 3 pages)。

(14) A copy of Master's Thesis (or equivalent)。

(15) A copy of an official score of TOEFL taken within the last 12 months unless


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